October surprise for a one-of-a kind fantastic Field Trip: we are going to the Mushroom Farm in Pescadero, led by the AgFood Tech SiG on Thursday, October 26th. All Band members are cordially invited and encouraged to take advantage of this unique opportunity. We will leave Silicon Valley at 10:00 AM via car-pool (there will also be car pool from San Francisco). Lunch at Cascade Restaurant is graciously hosted by Bill Cook, General Manager/Partner, followed by a presentation and tour of the farm, ending at about 2:30-3:00 PM.
The Mushroom Farm, will be developed as a center for innovation in agricultural, environmental and wellness located in Pescadero. It is a multi-crop innovative holistic farm located in the quiet, rural coast-side town of Pescadero. The property encompasses over 750 acres with 2 miles of stunning view of the Pacific Coast. It overlooks Ano Nuevo Island and the iconic Pigeon Point Lighthouse. It has easy walking access to miles of public beaches and is surrounded by thousands of acres of protected open space and home to some “ancient/virgin” plant species mostly lost in Nor Cal. The property includes the 110-acre former Campbell’s Soup Mushroom Farm (hence the name) with the largest compost facility on the central California coast, over 250,000 square feet of buildings including 96 growing rooms, refrigeration, processing, loading docks, offices, workshop, water recycling system, parking… even a soccer field! Infrastructure of this magnitude is very rare and will most likely never be permitted again on the California coast.
Jaleh Daie, Chair of AgFood SiG has toured the farm and even camped on the magnificent open vistas on the farm. She believes you will love the place and to learn about the vision for such a unique property.